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Hiking trails


You can make your stay in the WENA agritourism pleasant in many ways. We recommend those that require at least delicate physical activity to keep you moving, improve your health and well-being.

The Nowy Tomyśl Poviat is a region rich in many interesting tourist facilities and extraordinary natural values. The tourist rank of this poviat is increased by kilometers of hiking trails - there are over 130 km of them.

Why is it worth taking advantage of the charms of this area and going hiking?

walking causes an injection of serotonin, the so-called the happiness hormone that improves mood and well-being;

walking a dozen or several dozen kilometers is an excellent remedy for insomnia and long-term stress;

hiking is one of the least injurious sports that we can serve ourselves when in poor condition - it is worth getting comfortable shoes and poles;

wandering alone allows you to calm down and put your thoughts in order, and in the company - strengthens ties;

we become more beautiful thanks to regular walks! They contribute to weight loss, shape the leg muscles, oxygenate and elasticize the skin;

Addiction to walks protects the nervous system against dementia, depression, strengthens the heart, respiratory and skeletal systems, improves digestion and boosts metabolism.

Hiking trails in the Nowy Tomyśl district:

Yellow trail - a short connecting trail (26.8 km):

Nowy Tomyśl - Paproć - Chojniki - Szarki - Kuźnica - Tuchorza - Jelonek - Nowe Tłoki - Wolsztyn

Where is it worth staying longer?

There are many architectural monuments in Nowy Tomyśl that can become a living history lesson, incl. Neo-Renaissance hotel, town hall, mill and houses from the second half of the 19th century and a post-Evangelical church from the second half of the 19th century. Eighteenth century

The red trail - the main one (57.5 km) - you can enter the trail in Zachodzek, i.e. directly from our agritourism:

Osetna Młyn - Zawada - Zachodzko - Miedzichowo - Łomnica - Przychodzko - Strzyżewo - Czarny Dwór - Dąbrówka Wlkp. - Bronikowo - Chlastawa - Kosieczyn - Nowa Wieś - Nowa Wieś Zbąska - Perzyny - Przyprostynia - Zbąszyń

Where is it worth staying longer?

Zbąszyń is a town located on the Błędno Lake and the Obra River. On the shores of the lake there are the remains of the curtain ramparts and a fortress from the beginning of the 18th century, and in the town - a church and sculptures of bishops from the late Baroque period. Many interesting monuments can be seen in the Museum of Zbąszyńska Region and the Goat Region.

Blue route - long-distance route (56 km):

Pszczew - Wrony - Strong Nowa - Królewiec - Jabłonka Sawmill - Trzciel - Prądówka - Strzyżewo - Zbąszyń - Nądnia - Perzyny - Nowa Wieś - Nowa Wieś Zbąska - Grójec Wielki - Chobienice - Wąchabno - Kopanica

Where is it worth staying longer?

In Nowa Wieś Zbąska, the trail runs near the place where tourists can look for a large wooden cross from the beginning of the 20th century - it is the burial place of the last German administrator of the nearby palace, Wilhelm von Rosenberg. There is a plate in German at the cross. It is not easy to find and you need to stray from the trail a bit, but the search for this object can be an interesting challenge and diversify the hike along the blue trail.

Maybe during your stay at WENA you will become convinced of this type of activity and regular walks will become your passion?

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